How To Build Thriving Small Groups
Tired of only 20% of your church being active, engaged members of your congregation and not seeing the other 80% other than those brief Sunday morning services?
We believe Small Groups are the answer to a fully functioning, fully empowered church and we're sharing our practical training.
What you will receive:
18 High Definition Video sessions from our founder, Michael Brodeur, each running roughly ten minutes apiece covering the following topics
1. How To Build Thriving Small Groups
2. Understanding Biblical Basis Behind Small Groups
3. How To Actually Build Small Groups
4. The Power of Planning and How Planning Can Work
5. How To Bring Your Plan from Concept to Reality
6. How You Can Actually Create a Small Group that Produces Outcomes
7. Team Building is Essential to Producing a Thriving Small Group
8. Biblical Understanding for Small Group Team Building
9. Team Building: How to Build a Team
10. How Do We Model a Small Group Experience to Produce Good Fruit
11. How To Model a Small Group to Your Primary Team and Primary Group
12. How To Bring a Reproducible Model to Your Leaders as You Build Your First Team Expression
13. Developing Leaders: Because Leadership Multiplication is the Key to Success
14. Leadership Development is Essential to the Discipleship Continuum
15. The "How" of Leadership Development
16. Multiplying Groups
17. The "What" of Small Group Multiplication
18. The "How" of Small Group Multiplication